Ms Architecture Journal

3 Features To Look For The Home To Move When You Retire

If you’re planning to retire soon, or you’re in retirement but are looking to move into a new place, there are a few features that you’re going to want to make sure that your new home has so that you can safely and comfortably meet the next stages of your life there. While you can move into a senior living facility, you can also find your own home to buy that has all of the features and amenities you’ll need.

To help you in doing this, here are three features to look for in a home to retire into. 

Everything On One Level

When buying or even renting a home in retirement, one of the biggest things that you’ll want to have in this space is for everything to be on the same level. Having to go up and down stairs, or even just going up a few steps to get into and out of the house, can be very hard on an aging body. So when you’re looking for a place to live, make sure you find a home where everything is on one level and you don’t have to take any steps up to get into or around the house.

This could also include a no-step shower entry so that it will be easier for you to bathe yourself without having to worry about losing your balance or slipping and falling when you get into and out of your shower.

Easy Accessibility

Along with being able to get into your home easily, you’ll also want to have the features within the home be accessible to you as you age. 

For many older people, it can be hard and even dangerous to have to get things that are too high or too low. So when you’re looking for a home to move into during retirement, make sure the counters and cabinets are a good height for you. Having wider doorways can also be helpful if you ever need to use a wheelchair or walker to get around your home. 

Predictable Costs That You Can Handle

When many people retire, they start to live on a much more fixed income. So when you’re planning to move into a new space, you’ll want to be sure that the costs and expenses you’ll have will be predictable to you and that you can handle that financial burden without any issues.

While things like property taxes may change and unexpected maintenance costs could arise, having a little cushion in your budget will help to ensure that when things get a little more expensive as time goes on, you can still be financially safe and comfortable in your home.

If you’ll soon be moving into a new home after retirement, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find a place with just the features that you’ll need during these years. 

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